I'm often asked about del.icio.us. So often, that i figured i'd post some of my thoughts about them for anyone who is wondering.
first, let me be clear. we're clipmarks (specific information), they're bookmarks (entire pages). both are helpful tools for managing information on the web. personally, i use both.
second, it seems like there have recently been near-daily announcements of new companies popping up with the stated intent of offering a more user-friendly version of social bookmarking. many of them are taking explicit shots at del.icio.us - specifically regarding their user interface. I can't say that i'm surprised, as i do know a lot of people who are turned off by the UI of their site. i have no idea how that will play itself out but i'm interested in watching it unfold.
I admit that i often wonder why del.icio.us hasn't tweaked their interface to make it more accessible and inviting for non-geeks? No doubt, they must know that ordinary people will look at their site and be intimidated. I know how important it is for new, innovative technologies to appeal to hard-core early adopters, but I really hope we haven't gotten to a place where we have to alienate most people in order to make techies feel at home. That wold be a shame. That's something we'll never do.
Basically, i think that the del.icio.us social bookmarking solution should, could and would appeal to everyone. And maybe it will. But i don't think that it's going to happen as long as the current UI is in place. That's my honest opinion.
I truly wish the guys at del.icio.us well. They have pioneered the social bookmarking /community search sector and have given people a very needed solution. In many respects, i'm envious of them. They are well known and well respected by the online community. That is something that none of the other solutions out there, including us, can yet say.
There you have it. My thoughts on del.icio.us.