Trying to be consistent with my previous post to blog or not to blog i haven't been blogging lately. There are 2 reasons for this.
The first is that whenever there is something in the news that i feel inclined to blog about i'm beaten to it by other bloggers who are smarter than me, so i just don't feel i'll be adding anything valuable by blogging about it.
The second reason, and the subject of this post, is that writing a blog post is often a natural, reflexive response to something i read online. well, in those instances i've been finding that creating a clipmark about it and adding a comment is more satisfying and significantly quicker than composing a new post on my blog.
In my earlier post, i suggested that clipmarks might prove to be a cure for over-blogging (my observation that many bloggers seem equally if not more concerned with quantity of posts than with quality of posts). i think this will be the case even more than i had thought.
A good example i have for this is alternative energy. i'd really like to help people become more aware of it and receptive to it. so, whenever i find something important about the subject , i clip it and sometimes add my own comment. I find it much easier and much faster than creating a blog post. now, anyone who wants to keep up with my alternative energy clipmarks can simply subscribe to them using rss. here is a link to my a.e. clipmarks:
I am extremely curious to see whether this trend continues and whether other people find themselves feeling the same way.
Hi Eric,
I was a user of Amplify and loved it a lot. My only gripe was the multiple bugs in the software. I like being able to paste images that I like on the Amplify page and having links back to its original website. I could position the graphics and insert my own text in any way I like. I have just started using Clipmark and hope it has the same features but bug-free.
I fully believed in the potential of Amplify as I could gather related images or text in one page rather than book-marking multiple pages. People can share their Amplify in the way you would share your photo album. Hope you are achieving the same with Clipmarks.
Posted by: PrincessE | September 21, 2005 at 10:32 AM
I think you'll find that Clipmarks lets you accomplish much of what Amplify did, but in a much easier, effective way. The key difference is that instead of having to create a collage of information as you navigate around the web, Clipmarks lets you very quickly clip and tag anything from a web page without ever leaving the page you're on. Then, if you want to see various things you've clipped, just go to your personal Library on the Clipmarks site and do a search for whatever you'd like to see. In effect, the "collage" of information is created for you when you do a search on the web site.
No doubt, there are some amazing creative aspects of Amplify that are not present in Clipmarks. One of these days we'll release a significantly upgraded (bug-free) version of Amplify as well. For the time being though we're going to focus on Clipmarks.
Please let me know what you think after you've had a chance to use it.
Posted by: eric goldstein | September 21, 2005 at 10:46 AM
I have indeed tried it. I like the fact that all pictures were ordered and comments can be added. However, the reason I liked Amplify was due to the ability to "collage" the items I wanted in one page. You have achieved most of what Amplify did except for the arrangement of the clips. By using Clipmarks I had to click next pages to get to my first clip.
Posted by: PrincessE | September 28, 2005 at 12:20 PM
You're right about that. In some instances, i do miss the collage aspect of Amplify. But most of the time, i love the fact that with Clipmarks i can just clip a piece of information quickly and easily without having to construct the collage and then have the info assembled for me any time i want by doing a search of My Clipmark Library. Thanks for your feedback!!
Posted by: eric goldstein | September 28, 2005 at 01:40 PM