One thing i have to say about bloggers, even the ones i really like to follow, is that they have too much to say. It's like they're addicted to the ability to speak and can't contain themselves. So often, i go to Bloglines, sroll thru the blogs i follow and think to myself "what made you write that and why would anyone care. It's not quantity of posts, it's quality."
Interestingly, and totally unplanned, i think that Clipmarks will serve as a cure for this problem. What i've been finding is that as i read things on the web, i love being able to clip and comment on things i find and then throw it into the public clipmark library. My hunch is, that without clipmarks, i'd be just like the bloggers i'm referring to who write a blog post about everything that pops into their head. Perhaps Clipmarks will give people the satisfaction of being able to communicate and share information persistently bout anything that pops into their mind while leaving the bigger, more focused talk for their blogs.