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I've just had the following feedback from a friend accessing clips that I emailed to him on his PDA;

"I have to say that Clipmarks doesn't work too well on a PDA. And I thought that everyone was designing for a 240*300 resolution these days." :) (my smile)

eric goldstein

Oh yes! Viewing clips on PDAs must be done...hopefully something we can get done very soon.

Fred from NYC

I use Firefox and just updated to Clipmarks 0.9.15. When I click on "My Clips" from the rightmost Clipmarks icon in the toolbar, I get this error message:

"The system cannot find the path specified."

I can see my clips when I select "Top Clips", for example, and then go to My Clips from the "My Page" menu in the upper right corner of the page.

eric goldstein

Fred, thanks for bringing this to our attention. This bug has been fixed. Please let us know if it happens again.

Fred from NYC

Eric, thanks for the quick fix.

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