This is a big one. Here's a sample of what's new.
- Brand new design. Lots of changes...hope you like the new look and layout!
- Only clips that are under 2,000 characters can be popped. We believe in the power of clip-size portions of information as a new, enjoyable way to consume information about more topics in less time. We're not exactly sure what it should be, but we feel there needs to be some kind of definition of "clip-size". For now, we're going to try 2,000 characters (you can still clip whatever you want, but to get popped it needs to be clip-size).
- By default, comments no longer shoot a clip to the top. However, if you want to keep up with the latest comments, change your sorting options at the bottom of the Clip Exchange.
- Check out the new clip-scroll at the bottom of the Clip Exchange. We think this should make it much easier and quicker to see what's available on the site.
- There are now 4 main topics in the header. Each contains a drop-down menu with 10 related tags. You can set these to whatever topics interest you by clicking the "customize" link in the drop-down.
- On the right side of the header are buttons that let you link to any of your favorite clippers or tags from anywhere on the site.
We hope you like the new site!!!
Most of the new changes are great.
However requiring a clip to be 2000 characters to be popped is a step backwards. The people who are using your service make efforts to reduce the amount of information to what's relevant to get a point across. Making it so users have to reduce the clip even further is causing the content in the clip to often times be incomplete or worse ... incoherent.
In some cases, because of how Clipmarks dissects the DOM, it can't be helped that a clip includes more than 2000 characters.
For example:
Here's the clipmark to it:
Furthermore, the comments should be expanded to allow for more robust dialogs.
One of the reasons that I use Clipmarks is that it allows me to easily take chunks out of a sourced piece of content, and then frame it around a talking point in the comments. Having 2000 character per comment severely reduces my ability to discuss serious topics.
I'd really like to see Clipmarks become a way to syndicate content from an original new sources that doesn't have a forum attached to it.
I understand the current direction for Clipmarks is to focus on compartmentalizing information to allow people to quickly see the high-level happenings on numerous fronts, but expanding clipmarks to be a way to discuss specific parts of an original source, while still referencing the original, is also just as useful (if not a more useful) service.
Thanks for reading.
Posted by: Dustin | August 05, 2006 at 03:08 AM
The 2000 character limit is seriously annoying. In the end, I think it will limit the attractiveness of your site.
Please reconsider it.
Posted by: Scott-O-Rama | August 07, 2006 at 01:38 AM
Hi guys, Great job on the site revisions. I went dark for awhile and the reason was because noone seemed to be interested in discussing my clips. I believe this is just a fluke as I'm public now and there are discussions happening regularly.
Take heed to Dustin's comment because he has effectively explained 70% of the reason I use clipmarks. My only disagreement is on the cliplimit of 2000. Since I don't care if my clip is popular you can set it to 100 and it won't matter to me. If I read a clip that is over the limit I just psuedoPop or VirtualPop it and the clipper knows I like it.
I don't even use the sort by popular feature. I LOVE the sort by comment feature. I want to discuss the sites not just look at them and be on to the next.
It would be nice if there was some way to tell if a clipper is currently on the site. Too bad there can't be a live chat like some of the game sites out there. I would love to speak real-time with you guys!
Anyway, Nice looking site, plenty of new clippers and some really great content. Love the designs and changes and you guys take care. Now, If your head pops when you walk thru a doorway, I didn't do it!
Posted by: skwirlinator | August 23, 2006 at 03:42 AM
Love the new look of the site (particularly the navigation through clips 1 at a time) - also fully support the 2000 char limit to render poppable - this just reinforces what I think EricW was advocating recently.
Posted by: ghiberti | August 23, 2006 at 07:48 AM
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